How to set APPS environment for newly created user in UNIX
When your UNIX box user is created for Oracle apps instance. And if you are unable to change standard tops using environemnt variables such as $AU_TOP, $FND_TOP. You just follow the below steps to set the environment variables.
1. Login to UNIX box using your id
2. cd <application top path>
if you dont know the path, you can login to Oracle EBS application and get using these steps, open any form, Help->Diagnostics->Examine-> Choose Block "$ENVIRONMENT$", Field "FND_TOP" copy the value which is the path of FND_TOP
3. once you get the path, cd <path you copied>
4. change directory to reach $APPL_TOP path
5. Here you find the environemt file as below format
now, get the current path using pwd
copy the current path and environment file
ex: /opt/oracle/pub11demoappl/APPSPUBDEMO11i_mycomp.env
6. cd $HOME , you reach your home directory
7. vi .profile
8.reach the end of file
9. create a line as . environemt file with full path
. /opt/oracle/pub11demoappl/APPSPUBDEMO11i_mycomp.env
dot(.) must be prefixed with a space to execute the file.
now save your .profile file using
once your file is saved, exit and login to UNIX box using your user credentials
Once you login, you should be able to change directories such as $AU_TOP
try cd $AU_TOP and do pwd to see whether your directory is changed...
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