Following is the common note shown by application while normal user trying to access Purchase Orders form.
"You are not setup as a worker. To access this form you need to be a worker."
Follow below steps to setup user as worker/buyer.
1. Navigate to Human Resources->People->Enter and Maintain
Provide all mandatory details in People form.
Select Person Types as Employee(Use Action lov to get this)
Save the changes.
2. Navigate to Purchasing->Setup->Personnel->Buyers
This opens Buyers OA page.
Click on Add Buyer button and add the person created in last step as a Buyer.
Save Changes.
3.Navigate to System Administrator->Security->User->Define
It opens Users form.
Query your preferred user details.
Add person created in the previous steps to this user.
Save Changes.
4.Navigate back to Purchasing->Purchase Orders->Purchase Orders
Now application allow you to see Purchase Order form with out any notes.
Following is the common note shown by application while normal user trying to access Purchase Orders form.
"You are not setup as a worker. To access this form you need to be a worker."
"You are not setup as a worker. To access this form you need to be a worker."
Follow below steps to setup user as worker/buyer.
1. Navigate to Human Resources->People->Enter and Maintain
Provide all mandatory details in People form.
Select Person Types as Employee(Use Action lov to get this)
Save the changes.
This opens Buyers OA page.
Click on Add Buyer button and add the person created in last step as a Buyer.
Save Changes.
It opens Users form.
Query your preferred user details.
Save Changes.
Now application allow you to see Purchase Order form with out any notes.
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